The darkness begins to diminish

The darkness has lingered for far too long now and we can at last begin to reflect on the year past! The shock that spread through the world in a matter of days was nothing we have seen before in our lifetime and so it began! 

The fear of the unknown and the uneasy feeling that grew rapidly like a shield of trepidation, speaking to others became tense and the emotions rise. 

We couldn’t seem to work out what was real anymore, we knew it was bad but didn’t know how far it would go, how our lives would change and become something untold. They say time is a great healer but as time past by the air become thick and we struggled to breathe through the alien expectations that bestowed upon us, the veil of protection for others whom were there, concealing our sadness, a disguise of the angst beneath. The concern began to build as the children stayed home from school, the shops closed down and we too stayed in doors, our homes became our sanctuary of safety and protection for all that we once knew was different somehow. We cleaned our shopping once through the front door, we found a new ‘normal’ in the times of darkness when we feared the outside world a little more everyday. We found ourselves clapping every Thursday with neighbours to honour the NHS for their bravery and courage of standing on the front line and doing what needed to be done, for every moment was crucial in the midst of the day to carry on regardless of feeling or pure terror, they did it anyway! 

We packed up our lives and moved through each day home schooling our kids and pretending we were fine, we took to the internet as if it was our world in its small little box and with one hand we taught, we spoke in our meetings and with the other we entertained, run a house and stopped the kids fighting. We queued outside shops and became distant through necessity. Emotions ran high as we lived through the tiers, the distant numbers became names and the fear was rising within us all, we didn’t know which way to turn, some days were ok and others were so sad but we knew we had to stay home and be safe to allow others the same and just keep waiting for this all to end! 


We turned the things we would not have before to find a little solice with the intention of receiving a small piece of calm, a moment of relief or a breath in our lungs, hold onto those small steps, the moments of joy and know you got through everyday with strength, courage and pure unconditional love for each and every person out there, to keep them safe! 


Now the end is in sight we have the vaccines rolling out, we have began to find faith again in a future but we have to remember to stay humble and know that these times were by far the toughest we’ve been through, the loss, the struggles, the lives that have changed should be in our thoughts because everyone had a different journey through this time so take note and reflect to move forward with kindness, understanding and respect to your friends, family and strangers alike for everyone deserves the time to heal from ‘ The year that changed us from within’! 


Time is something we take for granted, we now know How much can happen in such a short space of time so take those lessons with you as you move forward through your days and embrace every moment, relish in the small blessings, appreciate all that you have and focus on the positives in your life everyday to receive the gratitude in your heart because one day is never the same as the other! 


We are very different people from where we were a year ago, we have learnt so much, we have endured a great deal, we have understood, we have adapted to the changes, we have learnt new skills, we have continued to support others in this time, we have established what is important in life and what we can let go of! 


The gratitude you have for yourself is there deep within! Reflect on how much you have seen, heard and worked through in such a small space in time and know that everything is temporary, we will go back to our lives soon, we will develop from the friendships made over this time, we will make different choices from before and we will continue to grow within! Hold onto that light it’s getting brighter! 


Be thankful to yourself for never giving up!! 


Love and light to you all

Alexandra xx

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